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  • Adelman, Clifford. 1999. Answers in the Tool Box: Academic Intensity, Attendance Patterns, and Bachelor's Degree Attainment. Education Publications Center: Jessup, MD
    Arbinger Institute. 2002. The Choice in Intervention: Applying The Choice to Behavior Intervention Efforts. Arbinger Institute.
    Armstrong, Steve; Thompson, Gail; Brown, Sally. 1997. Facing up to Radical Changes in Universities and Colleges. Kogan Page Limited: London.
    Association of American Colleges & Universities . 2004. Taking Responisbility for the Quality of the Baccalaureate Degree. Association of American Colleges & Universities: Washington DC.
    Association of American Colleges. 1985. Integrity in the College Curriculum: A Report to the Academic. Association of American Colleges: Washington DC.
    Association of American Colleges. 1994. Strong Foundations: Twelve Principles for Effective General Education Programs. Association of American Colleges: Washington DC.
    Astin, Alexander W. 1993. What Matters in College? Four Critical Years Revisited. Jossey-Bass Publishers: San Francisco.
    Bennett, William J. 1984. To Reclaim a Legacy: A Report on the Humanities in Higher Education. National Endowment for the Humanities: Washington DC.
    Bensimon, Estela Mara; Ward, Kelly; and Sanders, Karla. 2000. The Department Chair's Role in Developing New Faculty into Teachers and Scholars. Anker Publishing Company, Inc.: Boston
    Bergquist, William H. 1992. The Four Cultures of the Academy . Jossey-Bass Publishers: San Francisco
    Birnbaum, Robert . 1988. How Colleges Work: The Cybernetics of Academic Organization and Leadership. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco
    Birnbaum, Robert . 1988. How Colleges Work: The Cybernetics of Academic Organization and Leadership. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco
    Birnbaum, Robert . 1992. How Academic Leadership Works: Understanding Success and Failure in the College Presidency. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco
    Bland, Carole J.; Weber-Main, Anne Marie; Lund, Sharon Marie; Finstad, Deborah A. The Research-Productive Department: Strategies From Departments That Excel. Anker Publishing Company, Inc.: Boston
    Bloom, Allan. 1987. The Closing of the American Mind. Simon and Schuster: New York
    Bloom, Allan. 1990. Giants and Dwarfs: Essays 1960-1990. Simon and Schuster: New York
    Bok, Derek. 2006. Our Underachieving Colleges. Princeton University Press: Princeton
    Bowser, Benjamin P.; Auletta, Gale S.; Jones, Terry. 1993. Confronting Diversity Issues on Campus. Sage Publications: Newbury Park, CA
    Boyer, Ernest L. (ed.). 1990. Campus Life: In Search of Community. The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching: Princeton
    Boyer, Ernest L. and Levine, Arthur. 1981. A Quest for Common Learning: The Aims of General Education. Carnegie Foundation, Princeton
    Boyer, Ernest L.. 1987. College: The Undergraduate Experience in America. Harper & Row: New York
    Boyer, Ernest; Altbach, Phillip; and Whitelaw, Mary Jean. 1994. The Academic Profession: An International Perspective. The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching: Princeton
    Brew, Angela. 2006. Research and Teaching: Beyond the Divide. Palgrave, Macmillan: New York.
    Chait, Richard . 1998. Ideas in Incubation: Three Possible Modifications to Traditional Tenure Policies. AAHE New Pathways (Inquiry #9): Washington DC
    Christensen, Clayton and David Boswarthick. 2011. The Innovative University. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco
    Chu, Don. 2006. The Department Chair Primer: Leading and Managing Academic Departments. Anker: Boston
    Clark, William. 2006. Academic Charisma and the Origins of the Research University. University of Chicago Press: Chicago
    Cornesky, Robert A. et al. 1990. Using Deming to Improve Quality in Colleges and Universities. Magna Publications: Madison, WI
    Cornesky, Robert; McCool, Sam; Larry and Weber, Robert . 1991. Implementing Total Quality Management in Higher Education. Magna Publications: Madison, WI
    Creswell, John W.; Wheeler, Daniel W.; Seagren, Alan T.; Egly, Nancy J.; and Beyer, Kirk D. 1990. The Academic Chairperson’s Handbook. University of Nebraska: Lincoln, Nebraska
    Diamond, Robert M. and. Adam, Bronwyn E. (eds.). 1995. The Disciplines Speak: Rewarding the Scholarly, Professional, and Creative Work of Faculty. American Association for Higher Education: Washington DC
    Driscoll, Amy and Cordero de Noriega, Diane. 2006. Taking Ownership of Accreditation. Stylus: Sterling, VA
    Drucker, Peter F. 1990. Managing the Nonprofit Organization: Principles and Practices. HarperCollins: New York
    Faculty Center. Best Practices for Department Chairs.
    Fox, James Alan and Levin, Jack. 1993. How to Work with the Media: Volume 2 Sage Publications, Newbury Park, CA
    Gadberry, Joseph and Burnstand, Helen. 2006. A Systematic Approach to Support Part-Time Faculty. MAGNA
    Gaff, Jerry G.; Pruitt-Logan, Anne S.; Weibl, Richard A.; and Participants. 2000. Building The Faculty We Need: Colleges and Universities Working Together. American Association for Higher Education: Washington DC
    Gappa, Judith M., Leslie, David W. 1993. The Invisible Faculty: Improving the Status of Part-timers in Higher Education. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco
    Gillespie, Kay Herr . 1989. Chairperson's and Department Head's Manual. Colorado State University: Fort Collins
    Glazer, Judith S. 1993. A Teaching Doctorate?: The Doctor of Arts Degree, Then and Now American Association for Higher Education: Washington DC
    Gmelch, Walter H. and. Miskin, Val D. 1993. Leadership Skills for Department Chairs. Anker: Boston
    Gmelch, Walter H. and. Miskin, Val D. 1995. Chairing the Academic Department. Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA
    Gunsalus, C.K. 2006. The College Adinistrator's Survival Guide. Harvard University Press: Cambridge.
    Hickman, Craig R. 1990. Mind of a Manager, Soul of a Leader. John Wiley and Sons: New York
    Higgerson, Mary Lou and Teddi, A. Joyce. 2007. Effective Leadership Communication: A Guide for Department Chairs and Deans for Managing Difficult Situations and People. Anker: Boston
    Higgerson, Mary Lou, and Rehwaldt, Susan S. 1993. Complexities of Higher Education Administration: Case Studies & Issues. Anker: Boston
    Hodgkinson, Harold L. 1972. Beyond Academic Departments: The Story of Institutes and Centers. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco
    Howell, Joe A. and Eidson, Donald. 1990. A New Agenda: Building Colleges with Values. Copley Publishing Group: Acton, MA
    Huber, Richard M. 1992. How Professors Play the Cat Guarding the Cream: Why We're Paying More and Getting Less in Higher Education. George Mason University Press: Fairfax VA
    Huyvaert, Sarah H. 1998. Time Is of the Essence: Learning in Schools. Allyn and Bacon: Needham Heights, MA
    Johnson, Michael J.; Hanna, Donald E.; and Olcott, Don Jr. 2003. Bridging the Gap: Leadership, Technology, and Organizational Change for Deads and Department Chairs. Atwood Publishing: Madison, WI
    Karukstis, Kerry K. and Elgren, Timothy E. 2007. Developing and Sustaining a Research-Supportive Curriculum: A Compendium of Successful Practices. Council on Undergraduate Research: Washington DC
    Keller, G. 1983. Academic Strategy: The Management Revolution in American Higher Education. Johns Hopkins: Baltimore
    Kouzes, James M. and Posner, Barry Z. 2003. Academic Administrator's Guide to Exemplary Leadership. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco
    Leaming, Deryl R. 1998. Academc Leadership: A Practical Guide to Chairing the Department. Anker: Boston
    Leaming, Deryl R. 2003. Managing People: A Guide for Department Chairs and Deans. Anker: Boston
    Lees, N. Douglas. 2006. Chairing Academic Departments: Traditional and Emerging Expectations. Anker: Boston
    Lencioni, Patrick. 2002. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco
    Lencioni, Patrick. 2005. Overcoming The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Field Guide for Leaders, Managers and Facilitators. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco
    Lennon, Max. 1992. Strategic Planning Undergirded with Continuous Improvement: The Clemson Model. Clemson University
    Levine, Arthur and Associates . 1989. Shaping Higher Education's Future: Demographic Realities and Opportunities, 1990-2000 . Jossey-Bass: San Francisco
    Lewis, Ralph G. and Smith, Douglas H. 1994. Total Quality in Higher Education. St. Lucie Press: Delray Beach, Florida
    Lucas, Ann F. 1994. Leading Academic Change. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco
    Lucas, Ann F. 1994. Strengthening Departmental Leadership: A Team-Building Guide for Chairs in Colleges and Universities. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco
    Lyons, Richard E. 2007. Best Practices for Supporting Adjunct Faculty. Anker: Boston
    Moody, JoAnn. Rising Above Cognitive Errors: Guidelines for Search, Tenure Review, and Other Evaluation Committees. New York: Routledge
    Moody, JoAnn. 2010. "Solo" Faculty: Improving Retention and Reducing Stress: Guidelines for Departments and their Chairs, Deans, Mentors, Faculty Developers, and Solos Themselves. New York: Routledge
    Moody, JoAnn. 2010. Mentoring Early-Stage Faculty at Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools. New York: Routledge.
    National Center for Education Statistics . 1997. Characteristics and Attitudes of Instructional Faculty and Staff in the Humanities. National Center for Education Statistics: Washington DC
    Nightingale, Peggy . 2005. Advising PhD Candidates. HERDSA: Australia
    Pascarella, Ernest T. and Terenzini, Patrick T. 1991. How College Affects Students. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco
    Patterson, Kerry; Grenny, Joseph; Maxfield, David; McMillan, Ron; and Switzler, Al. 2008. Influencer: The Power to Change Anything. McGraw-Hill: New York
    Pescosolido, Bernice A. and Aminzade, Ronald (editors). 1999. Social Worlds of Higher Education: Handbook for Teaching in a New Century. Pine Forge Press: Thousand Oaks, CA
    Richardson, Richard C. and Matthews, Dewayne A. 1992. Improving State and Campus Environment for Quality and Diversity. Education Commission of the States: Denver
    Ruben, Brent D. 2003.Pursuing Excellence in Higher Education: Eight Fundamental Challenges. Jossey-Bass:
    Schroeder, Charles C. and Mable, Phyllis, and Associates. 1994. Realizing The Educational Potential of Residence Halls. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco
    Schuster, Jack H., and Finkelstein, Martin. 2006. The American Faculty: The Restructuring of Academic Work and Career. John Hopkins University Press: Baltimore, MD
    Seagren, Alan T.; Creswell, John Wl; and Wheeler, Daniel W. 1993. The Department Chair: New Roles, Responsibilities, and Challenges. George Washington University: Washington DC
    Seagren, Alan T.; Creswell, John Wl; and Wheeler, Daniel W. 1993. The Department Chair: New Roles, Responsibilities, and Challenges. George Washington University: Washington DC
    Seldin, Peter and Associates. 1990. How Administrators Can Improve Teaching. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco
    Seymour, Daniel T. 1992. On Q: Causing Quality in Higher Education. Oryx Press: New York
    Slevin, James F. 1992. The Next Generation: Preparing Graduate Students for the Pro. Association of American Colleges: Washington DC
    Smelser, Neil J. 1993. Effective Committee Service. Sage Publications, Newbury Park, CA
    Smith, Page. 1991. Killing the Spirit: Higher Education in America. Penguin Books: New York
    Sykes, Charles J. 1990. The Hollow Men: Politics and Corruption in Higher Education. Regnery Gateway
    Trower, Cathy A. (Ed.). 2000. Policies on Faculty Appointment: Standard Practices and Unusual Arrangements. Anker: Boston
    Tucker, Allan. 1981. Chairing the Academic Department. American Council on Education: Washington DC
    Tucker, Allan. 1992. Chairing the Academic Department (3rd edition). MacMillan Publishing Company: New York
    Twale, Darla J. and De Luca, Barbara M. 2008. Faculty Incivility: The Rise of the Academic Bully Culture and What to Do About It . Jossey-Bass: San Francisco
    Wergin, Jon F. 1994. The Collaborative Department: How Five Campuses Are Inching Toward Cultures of Collective Responsibility. AAHE: Washington DC
    Whicker, Marcia Lynn and Kronefeld, Jennie Jacobs. 1994. Dealing with Ethical Dilemmas on Campus. Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA
    Wulff, Donald H.; Austin, Ane E.; & Associates. 2004. Paths to the Professoriate: Strategies for Enriching the Preparation of Future Faculty. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco

  • A Byron, S.J., William J. 1998. Answers from Within: Spiritual Guidelines for Managing Setbacks in Work and Life. Praeger, New York
    Arbinger Institute. 2002. The Choice. Free Press
    Bellah, Robert N.; Madsen, Richard; Sullivan, William M.; Swidler, Ann; and Tipton, Steven, M. 1996. Habits of the Heart: Individualism and Commitment in American Life. Arbinger Institute: Berkley
    Bey, Theresa M. and Holmes, C. Thomas. 1992. Mentoring: Contemporary Principles and Issues. University of California Press: Reston
    Boice, Robert . 1996. Procrastination and Blocking: A novel, practical approach. Association of Teacher Educators: Westport, CT
    Coles, Robert . 1993. The Call of Service: A Witness to Idealism. Macmillun Spectrum: Boston
    Covey, Stephen M. R. and Merrill, Rebecca R. 2006. The Speed of Trust: The One Thing that Changes Everything. McGraw-Hill: New York
    Covey, Stephen M. R. 2004. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Free Press: New York
    Cyrs, Thomas E. 2001. KnowledgeDollar$: The Business of Consulting for Supplementary Income. Houghton Mifflin: Las Cruces, NM
    Daloz, Laurent A. 1999. Mentor: Guiding the Journey of Adult Learners. Beacon Press: San Francisco
    Daloz, Laurent A., and Associates. 1996. Common Fire: Leading Lives of Commitment in a Complex World. Scott, Foresman and Company: Boston Scott, Foresman and Company
    Dalton, Gene W. and Thompson, Paul H. 1986. Novations: Strategies for Career Management. New Mexico State University: Glenview, IL
    Frost, Peter J. and Taylor, M. Susan. 1996. Rhythms of Academic Life: Personal Accounts of Careers in Academia. Jossey-Bass: Thousand Oaks, CA
    Gardner, John W. 1981. Self-Renewal: The Individual and the Innovative Society (Revised Edition). Sage Publications: New York
    Gmelch, Walter H. 1993. Coping with Faculty Stress. Norton: Newbury Park, CA
    Handy, Charles. 1990. The Age of Unreason. Sage Publications: Boston
    Handy, Charles. 1994. The Age of Paradox. Harvard Business School Press: Boston
    Hinckely, Gordon B. 2000. Standing for Something: 10 Neglected Virtues That Will Heal Our Hearts and Homes. Harvard Business School Press: New York
    Hooper, Gary R. 1992. Facts of Life for Tomorrow's Professors: A Handbook for an Academic Career. Three Rivers Press: VA
    Jackson, Ab. 1996. Organize Your Life and Get Rid of Clutter: How to Clear Your Home and Office of the Messy Buildups that Cramp Your Mind and Crimp Your Productivity. Careertrack:
    Johnson, W. Brad and Ridley, Charles, R. 2004. The Elements of Mentoring. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University: New York
    Kelly, Margie. The Seven Secrets of Successful Time Management. Palgrave: Madison, WI
    Kerr, Clark . 1994. Higher Education Cannot Escape History: Issues for the Twenty-first Century. The Management Newsletter for Higher Education: New York
    Kramer, Gary L. (ed.). 1995. Fulfilling the Promise of Faculty Academic Advising. State University of New York Press: Boston
    Kramer, Gary L. (ed.). 1995. Fulfilling the Promise of Faculty Academic Advising. Brigham Young University Press: Provo, UT
    Kramer, Gary L. (ed.) 1995. Reaffirming the Role of Faculty in Academic Advising. Anker Publishing: Bolton, MA
    Kramer, Gary L. (ed.). 2003. Faculty Advising Examined: Enhancing the Potential of College Faculty as Advisors. Brigham Young University Press: Provo, UT
    Krumboltz, John D. and Hamel, Daniel A. 1982. Assessing Career Development. Anker: Palo Alto, CA
    Kushner, Harold S. 1981. When Bad Things Happen to Good People. Mayfield Publishing Company: New York
    Lakoff, George and Johnson, Mark. 1980. Metaphors We Live By. Avon Books: New York
    Liu, Eric. 2004. Guiding Lights: The People Who Lead Us Toward Our Purpose in Life. The University of Chicago Press: Chicago
    Metzger, Robert O. 1993. Developing a Consulting Practice. Random House: Newbury Park, CA
    Patterson, Kerry; Grenny, Joseph; McMillan, Ron and Switzler, Al. 2002. Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High. Arbinger Institute: New York
    Patterson, Kerry; Grenny, Joseph; McMillan, Ron; and Switzler ,Al. 2005. Crucial Confrontations: Tools for Resolving Broken Promises, Violated Expectations, and Bad Behavior. Anker Publishing Company, Inc.: New York
    Rath, Tom. 2007. Strengths Finder 2.0. McGraw-Hill: New York
    Sandholtz, K; Derr, B; Buckner, Kathy; and Carlson, Dawn. 2002. Beyond Juggling: Rebalancing Your Busy LIfe. Berret-Koehler: San Francisco
    Schoenfeld, Clay. 1993. Retirement 901: A Comprehensive Seminar for Senior Faculty and Staff. Sage Publications: Madison, WI
    Schuster, Jack H., and Wheeler, Daniel W. 1990. Enhancing Faculty Careers Strategies for Development and Renewal. Magna Publications, Inc.: San Francisco
    Wankat, Phillip C. 2002. The Effective, Efficient Professor: Teaching, Scholarship, and Service. Jossey-Bass: Boston
    White, Ken W. and Chapman, Elwood N. 1997. Organizational Communication: An Introduction to Communication and Human Relations Strategies. Allyn and Bacon: Needham Heights, MA
    Wurman, Richard Saul. 1990. Information Anxiety: What to do when information doesn't tell you what you need to know. Simon&Schuster: New York
    Zachary, Lois J. 2000. The Mentor's Guide: Facilitating Effective Learning Relationships. Bantam Books: San Francisco
    Zahorski, Kenneth J. 1994. The Sabbatical Mentor: A Practical Guide to Successful Sabbaticals. Jossey-Bass: Boston

  • Altman, Howard B. 1992. To Improve the Academy V.11. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco. POD
    Chadwick-Blossey, Sandra. 2005. To Improve the Academy V(23).Jossey-Bass: San Francisco. POD
    Chadwick-Blossey,Sandra. 2005. To Improve the Academy. V(24). Jossey-Bass: San Francisco. POD
    DeZure, Deborah. 1997. To Improve the Academy. V(16). Jossey-Bass: San Francisco. POD
    Gillespie, Kay Herr; Hilsen, Linda R.; and Wadsworth, Emily C. 2002. Guide to Faculty Development, A: Practical Advince, Examples, and Resources. Anker: Boston
    Henryk Marcinkiewicz. 2004. New Faculty Professional Development. New Forums Press: Stillwater, OK
    Hilsen, Linda. 1990. To Improve the Academy. V(9). Jossey-Bass: San Francisco. POD
    Kaplan, Matthew. 1998. To Improve the Academy. V(17). Jossey-Bass: San Francisco. POD
    Kaplan, Matthew. 1999. To Improve the Academy. V(18). Jossey-Bass: San Francisco. POD
    Kurfiss, Joanne G. 1987. To Improve the Academy. V(6).Jossey-Bass: San Francisco. POD
    Kurfiss, Joanne G. 1988. To Improve the Academy. V(7).Jossey-Bass: San Francisco. POD
    Lewis, Karron G. Povlacs, Joyce T. and Lunde (editors). 2001. Face to Face: A Sourcebook of Individual Consultation Techniques for Faculty/Instructional Developers. New Forums Press: Stillwater, OK
    Lieberman, Devorah. 2000. To Improve the Academy. V(19). Jossey-Bass: San Francisco. POD
    Liberman, Devorah. 2001. To Improve the Academy. V(20). Jossey-Bass: San Francisco. POD
    Neal, Ed. 1995. To Improve the Academy. V(14). Jossey-Bass: San Francisco. POD
    Nilson, Linda B. 2009. To Improve the Academy. V(27). Jossey-Bass: San Francisco. POD
    Nilson, Linda B., and Miller, Judith E. 2010. To Improve the Academy: Resources for Faculty, Instructional, and Organizational Development. V(28). Jossey-Bass: San Francisco. POD
    Pike, Robert W., CSP. 1994. Creative Training Techniques Handbook. Lakewood Books: Minneapolis
    Richlin, Laurie. 1996. To Improve the Academy. V(15). Jossey-Bass: San Francisco. POD
    Robertson, Douglad Reimondo. 2007. To Improve the Academy. V(25). Jossey-Bass: San Francisco. POD
    Robertson, Douglad Reimondo. 2008. To Improve the Academy. V(26). ​Jossey-Bass: San Francisco. POD
    Rylatt, Alasair and Lohan, Kevin. 1997. Creating Training Miracles. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco
    Schwarz, Roger. 2002. The Skilled Facilitator. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco
    Wadsworth, Emily C. 1994. To Improve the Academy V(13). Jossey-Bass: San Francisco. POD
    Wehlburg, Catherine M. 2002. To Improve the Academy. V(21). Jossey-Bass: San Francisco. POD
    Wehlburg, Catherine M. 2003. To Improve the Academy. V(22). Jossey-Bass: San Francisco. POD
    Winter, Cynthia. 1994. Planning a Successful Conference. Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA
    Wright, Delivee L., and Lunde, Joyce P. 1993. To Improve the Academy. V(12). Jossey-Bass: San Francisco. POD
    Zahorski, Kenneth J. 1991. To Improve the Academy. V(10). Jossey-Bass: San Francisco. POD

  • Allen, Mary J. 2004. Assessing Academic Programs in Higher Education. Anker Publishing Company, Inc.: Boston
    Arreola, Raoul A. 1995. Developing a Comprehensive Faculty Evaluation System: A Handbook for College Faculty and Administrators on Designing and Operating a Comprehensive Faculty Evaluation System. Anker Publishing Company, Inc.: Boston
    Astin, Alexander W. 1993. Assessment for Excellence: The Philosophy and Practice of Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. Oryx Press: Phoenix
    Banta,Trudy W. and Associates. 1993. Making A Difference: Outcomes of a Decade of Assessment in Higher Education. Jossey-Bass Publishers: San Francisco
    Barrett, A. Leverne; Narveson, Robert D.; Wright, Delivee L.; Bernstein, Daniel J.; and Burkholder, Ardis G. 1992. From Regard to Reward: Improving Teaching at a Research-Oriented University. The Teaching and Learning Center: Lincoln, NE
    Bell, Maureen. 2005. Peer Observation Partnerships in Higher Education. HERDSA: Australia
    Bernstein, Daniel; Burnett, Amy Nelson; Goodburn, Amy; and Savory, Paul. 2006. Making Teaching and Learning Visible: Course Portfolios and the peer review of teaching. Anker Publishing Company Inc.: Boston
    Braskamp, Larry A. and Ory, John C. 1994. Assessing Faculty Work. Jossey-Bass Publishers: San Francisco
    Bresciani, Marilee J. 2006. Outcomes-Based Academic and Co-Curricular Program Review: A Compilation of Institutional Good Practices. Stylus: Sterling, VA
    Cambridge, Barbara L. 2001. Electronic Portfolios: Emerging Practices in Student, Faculty, and Institutional Learning. Stylus: Sterling, VA
    Centra, John A. 1993. Reflective Faculty Evaluation: Enhancing Teaching and Determining Faculty Effectiveness. Jossey-Bass Publishers: San Francisco
    Centra, John; Froh, Robert C.; Gray, Peter J.; and Lambert, Leo M. A Guide To Evaluating Teaching for Promotion and Tenure. Copley Publishing Group: Littleton, MA
    Chism, Nancy Van Note. 1999. Peer Review of Teaching: A Sourcebook. Anker Publishing Company: Boston
    Cochran, Leslie H. 1992. Publish or Perish: The Wrong Issue. StepUp, Inc.: Cape Girardeau: MO
    Diamond, Robert M. 1994. Serving on Promotion and Tenure Committees: A Faculty Guide. Anker Publishing: Boston
    Diamond, Robert M. 1995. Preparing for Promotion and Tenure Review: A Faculty Guide. Anker Publishing Company: Boston
    Diamond, Robert M. 1999. Aligning Faculty Rewards with Institutional Mission: Statements, Policies, and Guidelines. Anker Publishing Company: Boston
    Diamond, Robert M. 2002. Serving on Promotion and Tenure Committees: A Faculty Guide (2nd Edition) . Anker Publishing Company: Boston
    Diamond, Robert M. 2004. Preparing for Promotion and Tenure Review: A Faculty Guide (2nd edition). Anker Publishing Company: Boston
    Edgerton, Russell; Hutchings, Patricia; and Quinlan, Kathleen. 1991. Teaching Portfolio, The: Capturing Scholarship in Teaching. The AAHE Teaching Initiative, American Association of Higher Education: Washington DC
    Elman, Sandra E. and Smock, Sue Marx. 1985. Professional Service & Faculty Rewards: Toward an Integrated Structure. National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges: Washington DC
    Glassick, Charles E.; Huber, Mary Taylor; and Maeroff, Gene I. 1997. Scholarship Assessed: Evaluation of the Professoriate. Jossey-Bass Publishers: San Francisco
    Hutchings, Pat. 1998. The Course Portfolio: How Faculty Can Examine Their Teaching to Advance Practice and Improve Student Learning. Stylus: Washington DC
    Latham, Gary P. and Wexley, Kenneth N. 1994. Increasing Productivity Through Performance Appraisal. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company: Reading, MA
    Licata, Christine M. and Brown, Betsy E. (ed). 2004. Post-Tenure Faculty Review and Renewal II: Reporting Results & Shaping Policy. Anker Publishing: Boston
    Licata, Christine M. and Morreale, Joseph C. (ed). 2002. Post-Tenure Faculty Review and Renewal: Experienced Voices. AAHE: Washington DC
    Licata, Christine M. and Morreale, Joseph C. Post-Tenure Faculty Review and Renewal III: Outcomes and Impact. Anker Publishing Company Inc.: Boston
    Middle States Commission on Higher Education. 2003. Student Learning Assessment: Options and Resources. Middle States Commission: Philadelphia
    Miller, Ross and Leskes, Andrea. 2005. Levels of Assessment: From the Student to the Institution. Association of American Colleges and Universities: Washington DC
    O’Meara, KerryAnn and Rice, R. Eugene. 2005. Faculty Priorities Reconsidered - Rewarding Multiple Forms of Scholarship. Jossey Bass: San Francisco
    Rice, R. Eugene. 1996. Making a Place for the New American Scholar. AAHE New Pathways (Inquiry #1): Washington DC
    Ronald A. Berk. 2006. Thirteen Strategies to Measure College Teaching: A Consumer's Guide to Rating Scale Construction, Assessment, and Decision Making for Faculty, Administrators, and Clinicians. Stylus: Sterling, VA
    Seldin, Peter and Associates. 1993. Successful Use of Teaching Portfolios. Anker Publishing Company, Inc.: Boston
    Seldin, Peter. 1991. Teaching Portfolio, The: A Practical Guide to Improved Performance and Promotion/Tenure Decisions. Anker Publishing Company, Inc.: Boston
    Seldin, Peter. 1997. Teaching Portfolio, The: A Practical Guide to Improved Peformance and Promotion/Tenure Decisions (2nd Edition) . Anker Publishing Company, Inc.: Boston
    Seldin, Peter. 2006. Evaluating Faculty Performance: A Practical Guide to Assessing Teaching, Research, and Service). Anker Publishing Company, Inc.: Boston
    Simpson, Ronald D. Innotative Higher Education. Human Sciences Press
    Theall, Michael. 2011. Collecting, Analyzing, and Using Faculty Evalutilon Data. Simon and Schuster Publishing
    Walvoord, Barbara E. 2004. Assessment Clear and Simple: A Practical Guide for Institutions, Departments, and General Education. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco
    Weimer, Maryellen and others. 1988. How Am I Teaching? Forms and Activities for Aquiring Instructional Input. Magna Publications, Inc.: Madison, WI
    Whicker, Marcia Lynn and Kronenfeld, Jennie Jacob. 1993. Getting Tenure. Sage Publications: Newbury Park, CA
    Wholey, Joseph S.; Hatry, Harry P.; and Newcomer, Kathryn E. 1994. Handbook of Practical Program Evaluation (1st Edition). Jossey-Bass Publishers: San Francisco
    Wholey, Joseph S.; Hatry, Harry P.; and Newcomer, Kathryn E. 2004. Handbook of Practical Program Evaluation (2nd Edition). Jossey-Bass Publishers: San Francisco

  • Arthur, John (ed). 1996. Morality and Moral Controversies (4th edition). Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ
    Bennett, John B. 2003. Academic Life: Hospitality, Ethics, and Spirituality. Anker Publishing Company, Inc.: Boston
    Black, Susan Easton (editor). 1996. Expressions of Faith: Testimonies of Latter-day Saint Scholars. Deseret Book Company: Salt Lake City
    Brague, Remi, Trans. By Lydia G. Cochrane. 2007. Law of God, The: The Philosophical History of an Idea. University of Chicago Press: Chicago
    Brigham Young University. 1991. Proceedings of the Laying the Foundations Symp. Brigham Young University: Provo, UT
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    Brigham Young University. 1994. Classic Speeches Volume 1. Brigham Young University Publications & Graphics: Provo, UT
    Brigham Young University. 1997. A Zion University: Addresses Delivered at the 1997 Annual University Conference. Brigham Young University: Provo, UT
    Bruce C. Hafen. 2002. A Disciple's Life: The Biography of Neal A. Maxwell. Deseret Book: Salt Lake City
    Cahn, Steven M. 1986. Saints and Scamps: Ethics In Academia. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers: Totowa, NJ
    Chickering, Arthur W.; Dalton, Jon C.; and Stamm, Liesa. 2006. Encouraging Authenticity and Spirituality in Higher Education. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco
    Cook, Gene R. 2000. Teaching by the Spirit. Deseret Book: Salt Lake City
    David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies. 2001. Education, the Church, and Globalization. Brigham Young University: Provo, UT
    Eyring, Henry B. (editor). 1995. On Becoming a Disciple-Scholar
    Eyring, Henry B. 1997. To Draw Closer to God. Deseret Book: Salt Lake City
    Hankins, Barry G. and Schmeltekopf, Donald D. 2007. The Baylor Project: "Can a Protestant University Be a First-Class Research Institution and Preserve Its Soul?". St. Augustine's Press: South Bend, Indiana
    Hauerwas, Stanley. 2001. With the Grain of the Universe: The Church's Witness and Natural Theology. Brazos Press: Grand Rapids, MI
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    Shea, Mary Ann. 1987. On Teaching, Volume I. Faculty Teaching Excellence Program, University of Colorado: Boulder, CO
    Silberman, Mel. 1996. Active Learning: 101 Strategies to Teach Any Subject. Allyn and Bacon: Needham Heights, MA
    Smith, Barbara Leigh; MAcGregor, Jean; Matthews, Roberta S.; and Gabelnick, Faith. 2004. Learning Communities Reforming Undergraduate Education Communities. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco
    Stephenson, Frederick. 2001. Extraordinary Teachers: The Essence of Excellent Teaching. Andrews McMeel Publishing: Kansas City, MO
    Tagg, John. 2003. The Learning Paradigm College. Anker Publishing Company: Boston
    The staff pf the Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. 1992. TAs and Professors as a Teaching Team. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill: Chapel Hill, NC
    Tierney, Elizabeth. 1996. How to Make Effective Presentations. Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA
    Weimer, Maryellen. 1990. Improving College Teaching. Jossey-Bass Publishers: San Francisco
    Weimer, Maryellen. 1993. Improving Your Classroom Teaching. Sage Publications: Newbury Park, CA
    Weimer, Maryellen. 2002. Learner-Centered Teaching: Five Key Changes To Practice. Jossey-Bass Publishers: San Francisco
    Weimer, Maryellen. 2010. Inspired College Teaching: A Career-Long Resource for Professional Growth. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco.

  • Seldin, Peter. 1999. Changing Practices in Evaluating Teaching

Recommended Books on Teaching and Enhancing Student Learning

BYU faculty may check out the following books and materials from the Faculty Center Library. Materials may be requested by phone (801) 422-7419, fax (801) 422-0223, or e-mail faculty_center@byu.edu.
  • Education for Judgment: The Artistry of Discussion Leadership

    Discussion-teaching—a learning technique which helps students develop process skills, subject matter, and understanding of group function—has been successfully used for years in teaching at the Harvard Business School. Discussion-teaching is effective in almost all teaching environments from medical school to high school English classes. Central to this technique is the discussion leader who questions, moderates, and observes the group discussion. This book concentrates on the elements that mold a successful group leader and examines the broader philosophical questions regarding the use of discussion-teaching.

    Christensen, C. Roland; Garvin, David A.; & Sweet, Ann. (1991). Education for Judgment: The Artistry of Discussion Leadership Harvard Business School Press.

    (link to Amazon)

    Enhancing Adult Motivation to Learn, 3rd Edition

    In the more than two decades since its original publication, Enhancing Adult Motivation to Learn has become the classic reference for understanding adult motivation in educational and training settings. Raymond J. Wlodkowski offers a clear framework and sixty practical, research-based strategies that are designed to elicit and encourage learner motivation. In addition, the book is filled with practical examples, guidelines for instructional planning, and cutting-edge ideas for assessment and transfer of learning. The book explores the conditions that evoke student motivation and shows the ways in which teachers of adults can create learning environments that stimulate and nourish the desire to learn.

    Enhancing Adult Motivation to Learn takes an interdisciplinary perspective, not only drawing on research from adult development and education but from fields that include cultural and ethnic studies, the biological and neuropsychological sciences, psychology, and literature. As in the previous edition, the ideas and methods advocated in this book are generally applicable to online learning as well as conventional classroom settings. (Excerpt from inside cover.)

    Wlodkowski, Raymond J. (2008). Enhancing Adult Motivation to Learn. Jossey-Bass.

    (link to Amazon)

    Extraordinary Teachers: The Essence of Excellent Teaching

    Stephenson enlists 36 other master educators (K-College) to write on teaching philosophy, responsibilities, advice, myths, and realities. The resulting essays describe the obstacles preventing today's students from attaining excellence and give answers to instructors seeking to become more effective teachers. Essay topics address the importance of preparation, communication in the classroom, various lecture techniques to keep students riveted, the overwhelming influence of an enthusiastic instructor on the learning curve of struggling students, and critical thinking methods.

    Stephenson, Frederick J. (2001). Extraordinary Teachers: The Essence of Excellent Teaching. Andrews & McMeel.

    (link to Amazon)

    First Steps to Excellence in College Teaching

    Johnson offers comprehensive instruction for new instructors, TAs, adjunct instructors or tenure faculty. The basics of instruction, from preparation through evaluation, are discussed. Subjects include course objectives, syllabus, selection of textbooks, effective lectures, student involvement and evaluation.

    Johnson, Glenn R. (1995). First Steps to Excellence in College Teaching. Atwood Publications.

    (link to Amazon)

    First-Order Principles for College Teachers: Ten Basic Ways to Improve the Teaching Process

    Based on many years of teaching, training, and writing, Boice has developed ten principles that form a foundation for effective teaching. These unique and interrelated principles are empirically tested and address attitudes as well as actions. Practicing the principles can bring faster success to classroom performances, generalize to other tasks such as scholarly writing, and provide a basis for making better use of traditional advice about teaching improvement.

    Boice, Robert. (1996). First-Order Principles for College Teachers: Ten Basic Ways to Improve the Teaching Process. Anker Publishing Company, Inc.

    (link to Amazon)

    Making the Most of College: Students Speak Their Minds

    This book is based on ten years of research on American college students. Light and associates interviewed hundreds of students about their college experience—both inside and outside the classroom. Out of this research, Light has authored this important book for faculty, students, and administrators. Chapters include "The Most Effective Classes," "Good Mentoring and Advising," "Faculty Who Make a Difference," and many more. Light uses the voices of students themselves, something often lacking from faculty discussions on these issues. This book is being quoted coast to coast for providing the best insight on the American college student experience.

    Light, Richard J (2004). Making the Most of College: Students Speak Their Minds. Harvard University Press.

    (link to Amazon)

    Science Teaching Reconsidered (RECOMMENDED)

    Directed towards undergraduate science educators, this book provides a pathway to understanding students, accommodating differences, and helping them grasp the methods of science. Effective science teaching requires creativity, imagination, and innovation. Topics include: effective lecture, laboratory impact, and discerning what students do and do not understand.

    Nat'l Research Council. (1997). Science Teaching Reconsidered. Nat'l Academy Press.

    (link to Amazon)

    Teaching at Its Best: A Research-Based Resource for College Instructors

    This book addresses a variety of issues such as coordination between faculty and TAs, copyrights, and directions for collaborative and experiential learning. The author also addresses learning needs and styles for different disciplines.

    Nilson, Linda B.. (2007). Teaching at Its Best: A Research-Based Resource for College. Anker.

    (link to Amazon)

    Teaching Through the Cycle

    This monograph addresses the learning styles that form the basis of the Kolb Learning Cycle; it facilitates practical application of learning style theory in the classroom, and documents its use in classes at BYU. Although the engineering instructor is the targeted audience, the educational theory and methodology provide a solid instructional framework for any discipline.

    Harb, J. N. , Hurt, P. K. , Terry, R. E., Williamson, K. J. (1995). Teaching Through the Cycle. Brigham Young University Press.

    Teaching Tips: Strategies, Research, and Theory for College and University Teachers

    A best-seller and classic in its field, McKeachie’s Teaching Tips is invaluable for courses in post-secondary education, professional workshops in pedagogy, and training seminars for graduate teaching assistants and their faculty. Written by a renowned educational researcher, the Tenth Edition profits from six additional experts’ knowledge of current fields such as diversity, ethics, planning, and technology.

    McKeachie, Wilbert. (1999). Teaching Tips: Strategies, Research, and Theory for College and University Teachers. Houghton Mifflin.

    (link to Amazon)

    The Course Syllabus: A Learning Centered Approach (RECOMMENDED)

    A practical manual that directs the construction of a "learning-centered" syllabus that focuses on the tools and resources you can provide a student to help them learn as opposed to a syllabus that outlines what will be covered in the course. A "learning-centered" syllabus promotes teaching that helps students understand how to actively acquire, use, and extend knowledge in an ongoing process of learning. This guide is concise, straightforward, and immediately applicable to those constructing or revising a syllabus.

    Grunert, Judith. (1997). The Course Syllabus: A Learning Centered Approach. Jossey-Bass/Anker Series.

    (link to Amazon)

    Tools for Teaching (RECOMMENDED)

    A compendium of classroom-tested strategies and suggestions designed to improve the teaching practice of beginning, mid-career, and senior faculty members. These teaching tools are organized in sections and cover both traditional tasks (such as writing a course syllabus) and newer concerns (such as responding to diversity or incorporating technology in the classroom). The strategies and tools are designed to be read and used independently, and the volume acts as a reference for the best practices for effective teaching.

    Davis, Barbara Gross. (1993). Tools for Teaching. Jossey-Bass Publishers.

    (link to Amazon)
  • Active Learning: 101 Strategies to Teach Any Subject

    Active Learning contains a comprehensive collection of active learning techniques. Each strategy is described with clear, step-by-step instructions. Good as an introduction for those attempting active learning for the first time or as an infusion of fresh ideas and strategies for experienced teachers.

    Silberman, Mel (1996). Active Learning: 101 Strategies to Teach Any Subject. Allyn and Bacon

    (link to Amazon)

    Active Learning: Cooperation in the College Classroom (RECOMMENDED)

    Active Learning is a comprehensive look at the use of formal cooperative learning lessons, informal cooperative learning groups, and cooperative base groups in the college classroom. Numerous specific lesson structures are included. It is an excellent overview of how to use cooperative learning at the college level.

    Johnson, David W.; Johnson, Roger T. & Smith, Karl. (1991). Active Learning: Cooperation in the College Classroom. Interactive Book Company.

    (link to Amazon)

    Active Learning: Creating Excitement in the Classroom (RECOMMENDED)

    The authors offer suggestions for making classes more interactive and engaging. Chapter subjects include the modified lecture; questioning and discussion; and strategies to promote active learning such as writing in class, problem solving, debates, drama, role playing, and peer teaching.

    Bonwell, C.C. and Eison, J.A.. (1991). Active Learning: Creating Excitement in the Classroom. ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Reports, Jossey-Bass.

    (link to Amazon)
  • Effective Grading: A Tool for Learning and Assessment (RECOMMENDED)

    Effective Grading was written for the faculty member who believes the grading process is a valuable measure of student learning. This hands-on guide for evaluating student work offers an in-depth examination of the link between teaching and grading. It uses grades, not as isolated artifacts, but as part of a process that, when integrated with course objectives, provides rich information about student learning. The authors reveal how the grading process can also be used for broader assessment objectives such as curriculum and institutional assessment.

    Walvoord, Barbara E. & Anderson, Virginia Johnson. (1998). Effective Grading: A Tool for Learning and Assessment. Jossey-Bass Publications.

    (link to Amazon)

    Assessment Essentials: Planning, Implementing, and Improving Assessment in Higher Education.

    This step-by-step guide provides current practices for developing assessment programs on college and university campuses. Assessment Essentials outlines the assessment process from start to finish and is filled with illustrative examples to show how assessment is accomplished on today's campuses. It is especially useful for faculty members and others who may be new to the assessment process. In clear, accessible language, Palomba and Banta describe effective assessment programs and offer a thorough review of the most up-to-date practices in the field.

    Palomba Catherine A. & Trudy W. Banta. (1999). Assessment Essentials: Planning, Implementing, and Improving Assessment in Higher Education. Jossey-Bass.

    (link to Amazon)

    Educative Assessment: Designing Assessments to Inform and Improve Student Performance.

    Grant Wiggins outlines design standards for performance-based assessments that promise students—no matter what their ability—clear and worthy performance targets, useful feedback, coaching, and the opportunity to progress toward excellence. Educative Assessment furnishes the information needed to design performance-based assessments, craft performance tasks that meet rigorous educational standards, score assessments fairly, and structure and judge student portfolios. It also shows how performance assessment can be used to improve curriculum and instruction, grading, and reporting, as well as teacher accountability.

    Wiggins, Grant P. (1997). Educative Assessment: Designing Assessments to Inform and Improve Student Performance. Jossey-Bass.

    (link to Amazon)

    Meaningful and Manageable Assessment Through Cooperative Learning

    Meaningful and Manageable Assessment includes practical, comprehensive coverage of assessment procedures. It demonstrates with forms and instruction how these procedures become more meaningful and manageable with cooperative learning.

    Johnson, David & Johnson, Roger. (1996). Meaningful and Manageable Assessment Through Cooperative Learning. Interaction Book Company.

    (link to Amazon)

    Tips for Improving Testing and Grading, Volume 4

    Ory and Ryan provide a thorough discussion of general testing and grading issues, covering all topics in a step-by-step manner with activities accompanying each chapter. The activities are brief and inviting. The authors are particularly good at addressing the needs of new faculty, but experienced faculty would enjoy chapters on evaluating past exams and the pros and cons of various grading policies.

    Ory, John C. & Ryan, Katherine E. (1993). Tips for Improving Testing and Grading, Volume 4. Sage Publications.

    (link to Amazon)
  • Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher

    Building on the insights of his highly acclaimed earlier work, The Skillful Teacher, Brookfield offers a very personal and accessible guide to how faculty at any level and across all disciplines can improve their teaching. Applying the principles of adult learning, Brookfield thoughtfully guides teachers through the processes of becoming critically reflective about teaching, confronting the contradictions involved in creating democratic classrooms, and using critical reflection as a tool for continuous personal and professional development.

    Brookfield, Stephen D. (1995). Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher. Jossey-Bass.

    (link to Amazon)

    The Teaching Portfolio: A Practical Guide to Improved Performance and Promotion/Tenure Decisions

    A practical guide on preparing portfolios to demonstrate achievement in teaching. The author provides an extensive list of items that may be included in the portfolio, offers tips on emphasizing particular strengths, suggests different uses for the portfolios and provides a number of sample portfolios from actual faculty.

    Seldin, Peter. (1997). The Teaching Portfolio: A Practical Guide to Improved Performance and Promotion/Tenure Decisions. Anker Publishing Company, Inc.

    (link to Amazon)
  • Service-Learning in Higher Education: Concepts and Practices

    Service-Learning in Higher Education is a comprehensive guide to developing high quality service-learning experiences both in the curriculum and through student affairs programs. The book contains such useful information as contact information for national organizations that support service-learning and resources that are useful in helping students make post-college service and career choices.

    Jacoby, Barbara C. (1996). Service-Learning in Higher Education: Concepts and Practices. Jossey-Bass.

    (link to Amazon)

  • Arm the Children

    This LDS scholar persuasively argues that genuine education begins in homes where parents read the scriptures to and with their children. The language and morality of scripture then form the foundation for learning and judging every activity, art, and discipline. Some find King’s work to be highly opinionated, but it demonstrates some of the best thinking produced by an LDS scholar exploring the relationship between the gospel, education, and the academic disciplines. You might not agree with everything, but you will be provoked to deeper thought on matters of great significance.

    King, Arthur Henry. (1998). Arm the Children. BYU Studies.

    (link to Amazon)

    Ecological Literacy: Education and the Transition to a Postmodern World

    Orr advocates that educators teach about health, harmony, balance, diversity, peace, participation, and justice rather than the human domination of nature. He proposes an alternative earth-centered, interdisciplinary, hands-on teaching approach to the conventional Bloom's method of core curriculum knowledge-level learning. Orr is deeply concerned about implications of a pedagogy that celebrates the domination of nature by man and believes that environmentally friendly education will come about only through a systematic "reordering of priorities" and a strong emphasis on ecoliteracy in all classrooms.

    Orr, David W. (1992). Ecological Literacy: Education and the Transition to a Postmodern World. State University of New York.

    (link to Amazon)

    Teacher in America

    Barzun begins with an analysis of the essential principles of good teaching then shows how they should be applied to the teaching of classics, music, art, science, philosophy, history, logic, and life itself. He praises great teaching as warmly as he deplores routine pedantry.

    Barzun, Jacques. (1981). Teacher in America. Liberty Press.

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    The Abolition of Man

    The most original Christian writer of our century addresses the issue of how education develops man's sense of morality.

    Lewis, C. S. (1996). The Abolition of Man. Touchstone.

    (link to Amazon)

    The Art of Teaching

    "This is a book on the methods of teaching. Our interest here…to work out the principles by which a subject can be well taught. This is not a book of educational theory, but a book of suggestions drawn from practice. It is called the Art of Teaching because I believe that teaching is an art, not a science…Teaching involves emotions, which cannot be systematically appraised and employed, and human values, which are quite outside the grasp of science…Teaching is not like inducing a chemical reaction: it is much more like painting a picture or making a piece of music, or on a lower level like planting a garden or writing a friendly letter. You must throw your heart into it, you must realize that it cannot all be done by formulas, or you will spoil your work, and your pupils, and yourself."

    Highet, Gilbert. (1989). The Art of Teaching. Vintage Books.

    (link to Amazon)

    The Courage to Teach: Exploring the Inner Landscape of a Teacher's Life (RECOMMENDED)

    Stepping back from the current education debates on curriculum and methods of assessment, highly respected educator and author, Parker Palmer, examines the inner life of the dedicated teacher. This inspiring exploration shows what it means to teach, what it takes to truly connect with students, and the importance of self-realization.

    Palmer, Parker J. (1998). The Courage to Teach. Jossey-Bass.

    (link to Amazon)

    The End of Education: Redefining the Value of School

    Postman suggests that the current crisis in our educational system derives from its failure to supply students with a translucent, unifying "narrative" like those that inspired earlier generations. Instead, today's schools promote the false "gods" of economic utility, consumerism, or ethnic separatism and resentment. What alternative strategies can be used to instill a sense of global citizenship, healthy intellectual skepticism, respect of America's traditions, and appreciation of its diversity? In answering these questions, The End of Education attempts to restore meaning and common sense to education.

    Postman, Neil. (1995). The End of Education. Vintage.

    (link to Amazon)

    The Outrageous Idea of Christian Scholarship

    "While other defining elements of a scholar's identity, such as race or gender, are routinely taken into consideration and welcomed as providing new perspectives, the perspective of the believing Christian is dismissed as irrelevant or, worse, anti-thetical to the scholarly enterprise. The Outrageous Idea of Christian Scholarship demonstrates what the ancient relationship of faith and intellectual scholarship means for the academy today. George Marsden argues forcefully that mainstream American higher education needs to be more open to explicit expressions of faith and to accept what faith means in an intellectual context. Marsden contends that a religiously diverse culture will be an intellectually richer one, and that it is time scholars and institutions who take the intellectual dimensions of their faith seriously become active participants in the highest level of academic discourse. Whether the reader agrees or disagrees with this conclusion, Marsden's thoughtful, well-argued book is necessary reading for all sides of the debate on religion's role in education and culture." (Washington Post)

    Marsden, George M. (1997). The Outrageous Idea of Christian Scholarship. Oxford University Press

    (link to Amazon)

    To Know as We are Known: A Spirituality of Education

    To Know as We are Known presents a "spirituality of education" in which mind and heart work together in the quest for knowledge. Palmer delves deeply into the Christian contemplative tradition to help readers regain the spiritual dimension that is so often lacking in contemporary education. Offering a convincing critique of the type of education that amounts to little more than information transmittal, Palmer argues for teaching and learning that engages the whole person and allows room for ultimate concerns. The book explores a way of knowing which accesses a deep reservoir of truth and creativity. These principles have implications for the way we teach not only the humanities, but also the physical and social sciences.

    Palmer, Parker. (1973). To Know as We are Known: A Spirituality of Education. Harper.

    (link to Amazon)
  • The Education of Zion: Conversations with Arthur Henry King, Chauncey Riddle, and Hugh Nibley

    The establishment of Zion, foretold in ancient and modern scripture, is above all a gathering of minds and hearts—an education of souls. It is this education that Arthur Henry King, Chauncey Riddle, and Hugh Nibley have devoted themselves to pursuing and sharing. In this video-taped conversation, King, Riddle, and Nibley discuss the education of Zion and share their convictions of its prophesied role in a troubled world.

    -- (1993). The Education of Zion: Conversations with Arthur Henry King, Chauncey Riddle, and Hugh Nibley. F.A.R.M.S. (Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies).
  • National Teaching and Learning Forum (RECOMMENDED)

    This every-other-month publication sports eye-catching graphics to illustrate well-written, thought-provoking articles about teaching in higher education. One-year subscription.

    National Teaching and Learning Forum. Oryx Press.

Recommended Books for Improving Scholarship

These are books recommended by the Faculty Center to help with scholarly writing and productivity.

You can purchase these books from any bookstore, or check them out of the Faculty Center library (call 2-7419 or come to 3770 HBLL).
  • Economical Writing

    "Professor McCloskey has written the best short guide to academic prose in the language. Is this language English and not the Academic Official Style? Does McCloskey write with a sense that is also a sense of humor? All true. Buy and believe." (Richard Lanham, University of California, LA)

    "Deirdre McCloskey's Economical Writing, originally aimed to help economists write better, is in this second edition clearly a book that should be read by scholars in every field. Her thirty-one rules, offered with wit and delightful brevity, include the essential warning that though rules can help, bad rules hurt. McCloskey's are all of the helpful kind." (Wayne Booth, University of Chicago)

    McCloskey, Deirdre. 1999. Economical Writing, Second Edition. Waveland Press.

    The Elements of Style, Fourth Edition

    As the 'rules' in this iconic book take up only 14 pages, it continually amazes me how often I can find the answer to a grammar or punctuation question within those pages. It doesn't cover everything, and some of the 'rules' are of course changing with the passage of time - but if a wannabe writer can't afford a whole bookcase of tomes on How to Write, then this is the one he or she should buy.

    Beyond those 14 pithy pages, however, are another 100 or so that extend the value of the book immeasurably: Principles of Composition, Commonly Misused Words, and perhaps the most valuable: An Approach to Style, which gives excellent advice along the lines of Do not overwrite, Avoid qualifiers, Don't over-explain, Avoid adverbs, Avoid dialect, Don't inject opinion, and tons of others.

    When all's said and done, however, one of the very best parts is a wonderful essay by the inimitable EB White himself - the Introduction, which serves as a perfect example of all that the rest of the small book preaches: write concisely, clearly, and well, and say something worthwhile. (Peggy Vincent, author)

    Strunk, William, Jr. & White, E. B.. 1999. The Elements of Style, Fourth Edition. Longman Publishers.

    (link to Amazon)

    Line by Line: How to Improve Your Own Writing

    "Remarkably Accessible and a pleasure to read, Line by Line reveals the techniques used by professional editors to detect and revise flawed prose. Writers learn to catch their errors and to apply practical revision strategies that can be adapted to any sort of exposition. Hundreds of poorly written sentences are corrected step-by-step.

    Line by Line concentrates, as no other book does, on specific ways to improve first drafts. It shows writers how to recognize and eliminate the stylistic faults that most often impede reading and obscure meaning. A popular feature of the book is an appendix that, in glossary form, discusses troublesome usages (e.g., disinterested vs. uninterested, may vs. might, the subjunctive mood, that vs. which, who vs. whom). Another appendix reviews elementary syntax." (From the Publisher)

    Cook, Claire Kehrwald. 1986. Line by Line: How to Improve You Own Writing. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

    (link to Barnes & Noble)

    On Writing Well

    "Whether you write an occasional professional letter or a daily newspaper column, William Zinsser's On Writing Well should be required reading. Simplicity is Zinsser's mantra: he preaches a stripped-down writing style, strong and clear. He has no patience for excess (most use of adjectives and adverbs, he writes, just adds clutter) or tired phraseology (for instance, he'd like to outlaw all leads involving those "future archaeologists" most often found "stumbl[ing] upon the remains of our civilization"). He recommends that all writers of nonfiction read their work aloud (don't commit something to paper that you wouldn't actually say) and write under the assumption that "the reader knows nothing" (not to be confused with assuming the reader's an idiot). In addition to the chapters on the expected--usage, audience, interviews, leads--Zinsser also focuses on such trouble spots as science and technical writing, business writing, sports, and humor. On Writing Wellbelongs on any shelf of serious reference works for writers." (New York Times)

    Zinsser, William K. 1990. On Writing Well, 4th Ed. New York: Harper Collins.

    (link to Amazon)

    Publishing for Tenure and Beyond

    "Silverman provides … tenure-track junior faculty with candid information about developing an adequate publication record. The book also provides … information they need to maximize the likelihood of having their articles accepted for publication by peer-reviewed professional, scientific, and scholarly journals. The focus throughout is on how editorial boards and tenure committees function rather than on how they are supposed to function. Anyone dealing with academic publishing will find this book an indispensable resource." (From the Publisher)

    Silverman, Franklin. 1999. Publishing for Tenure and Beyond. Greenwood Publishing Group.

    (link to Amazon)

    Revising Prose 4th Edition

    "As its title implies, this book deals with revising, not with original composition. Stressing the importance of the single sentence, "The Paramedic Method" of revision provides an easily learned method of revision to combat the obscurities of meaning that plague The Official Style, and demonstrates how to revise this stilted, dense prose into plain English. This book has been used with success wherever extensive writing is required, and also at every level of higher education. Addresses the specific stylistic patterns that characterize most bad writing and gives an eight-step revision method called The Paramedic Method to break those patterns and improve writing. Helps with writing tasks in business, government, and the university, where The Official Style is rampant, and provides an indispensable guide to revising in every writing context. For anyone interested in revising, specifically at the sentence level." (From the Back Cover)

    Lanham, Richard A. 2000. Revising Prose. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

    (link to Amazon)

    Style: Toward Clarity and Grace

    "This acclaimed book is a master teacher's tested program for turning clumsy prose into clear, powerful, effective writing. A logical, expert, easy-to-use plan for achieving excellence in expression, Style offers neither simplistic rules nor endless lists of do's and don'ts. Rather, Joseph Williams and Gregory Colomb explain how to be concise, how to be focused, and how to be organized.

    Filled with realistic examples of good, bad, and better writing, and step-by-step strategies for crafting a sentence or organizing a paragraph, Style does much more than teach mechanics: it helps anyone who must write clearly and persuasively transform even the roughest of drafts into a polished work of clarity, coherence, impact, and personality."

    Williams, Joseph M. 1995. Style: Toward Clarity and Grace. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

    (link to Amazon)

    The Craft of Revision

    "Pulitzer Prize winning author Donald M. Murray takes a lively and inspiring approach to writing and revision that does not condescend but invites the student into the writer's studio. This revision guide covers the entire writing process and is inexpensive enough to supplement any writing course." (From the Publisher)

    Murray, Donald M. 2000. The Craft of Revision. Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace.

    (link to Amazon)

    The Work of Writing: Insights and Strategies for Academics and Professionals

    "No matter what the writing assignment -- journal article, executive summary, grant proposal, curriculum guide, or consultant's report -- The Work of Writing will serve as an invaluable aid for faculty and professionals who need to hone their writing skills. In this book, Elizabeth Rankin draws on her years of experience as a leader of academic writing groups and shares a wealth of scenarios from actual writing experiences. These helpful stories speak to complex issues of audience, purpose, genre, and voice that writers routinely address. Using the strategies found in The Work of Writing will make the job of the writer more manageable, more productive, and more rewarding." (From the Publisher)

    Rankin, Elizabeth. 2001. The Work of Writing: Insights and Strategies for Academics and Professionals. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Inc.

    (link to Amazon)

    Wordsmithery: A Guide to Working at Writing

    "Key Benefit: This book offers an apprenticeship in composing for new writers. It presents a range of strategies that work not only for career writers, but also for people engaged in academic or work-related writing. Key Topics: Wordsmithery focuses on the individual elements of writing from preliminary preparation techniques to presentation to the outside world. It also addresses issues of time management and procrastination in writing." (From the Back Cover)

    Jr. Root, Robert L. 1994. Wordsmithery: A Guide to Working at Writing. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

    (link to Amazon)

    Writing and Publishing for Academic Authors

    "Expressing ideas, observations, plans, knowledge or thoughts effectively in terms which can be understood easily by the targeted audience is a major challenge for most professionals. It is especially important in universities which are, after all, dedicated to the generation and transmission of knowledge. The ability to present new materials and concepts is especially important in research universities, where institutional standing and personal advancement for most faculty hinge on publications. Writing and Publishing for Academic Authors provides useful, practical advice for developing and publishing scholarly works. Written by distinguished editors and authors in the sciences and humanities, this book can help faculty develop and publish research reports, speculative essays, book reviews, university press books, textbooks, and grants. Anyone who wants to improve his or her writing style, experiment with new academic genres, find new markets for scholarly endeavors, or establish productive relationships with editors should find this guide invaluable. I highly recommend it to all college and university faculty." (G.G. Meisels, Provost and Professor of Chemistry, University of South Florida)

    Moxley, Joseph M. and Taylor Todd, Eds. 1997. Writing and Publishing for Academic Authors. New York: Roman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.

    (link to Amazon)

    Writing for Publication: Road to Academic Advancement

    This book doesn't just talk about writing and publishing, it tells exactly what to do to dramatically improve any writer's chances for getting published. Author Kenneth Henson should know—his writing has appeared in more than 300 national publications and has 30 books to his credit.

    Henson's proven principles, strategies, and tactics can be applied to virtually any form of publishing—from specialized or general magazines and journals, to grant proposals, to nonfiction books of all types. Each chapter is a do-it-yourself module on one essential topic, to guide both novice and advanced writers in developing the critical skills and habits needed for writing success. Packed with anecdotes and examples of writing, this book covers it all—from finding topics, getting started, and organizing articles to contacting editors, writing and self-editing manuscripts, and keeping track of submissions and acceptances. The only book of its kind, it helps make writing projects easier, more enjoyable, AND more successful.

    Features succinct answers to the questions writers ask most

    • Advice for turning dissertation data into journal articles
    • Four chapters on grant writing
    • Information on how to use writing t gain tenure-track positions and earn tenure
    • An appendix profiling the life of an article from getting the idea to final publication
    • “Six Myths that Haunt Writers,” written by Henson and selected as one of the best hundred articles of the year among authors like Stephen King, Mary Higgins Clark, Dick Francis, Sidney Sheldon, and Phyllis Whitney
    Henson, Kenneth, T. (2004). Writing for Publication: Road to Academic Advancement. Allyn & Bacon.

    (link to Amazon)

    Writing for Social Scientists

    "Among the topics discussed are how to overcome the . . . [fears] that lead to writer's block; how to rewrite and revise, again and again; how to adopt a persona compatible with lucid prose; how to deal with . . . 'the literature.' There is also a chapter by Pamela Richards on the personal and professional risks involved in scholarly writing." (Publisher's note)

    "[This] is at once an astute analysis of the social sources of poor and hesitant writing, a comfort for people struggling with the written word, and a helpful guide to overcoming demons. This charming and very personal book succeeds at each. Most books about writing are concerned with the technical niceties of grammar or organizational issues such as the use of outlines and how to unfold an argument. This volume, however, seeks the social sources of stilted phrasing and writer's block. . . . The greatest contribution of Writing for Social Scientists may be its soothing effect. I found the social analysis insightful and the author's suggestions reasonable, but Becker's reassurance that even good writers face the demon is the best help of all." (Nicole Woolsey Biggart - America Journal of Sociology)

    Becker, Howard Saul. 1986. Writing for Social Scientists: How to Start and Finish Your Thesis, Book, or Article. University of Chicago Press.

    (link to Amazon)

    Writing With Style: Conversations on the Art of Writing

    "Writing with Style -- Conversations on the Art of Writing is one of the most useful books on writing I've ever owned. I was introduced to this book as required reading in one of my upper level writing courses, and I still use it today. The book is clear and insightful, with just enough humor sprinkled throughout. I especially liked Trimble's way of debunking school ma'am's myths about grammar."

    Trimble, John R. 2000. Writing With Style: Conversations on the Art of Writing, 2nd Ed. Prentice Hall.

    (link to Amazon)

    Writing Without Teachers

    "In Writing Without Teachers, well-known advocate of innovative teaching methods Peter Elbow outlines a practical program for learning how to write. His approach is especially helpful to people who get stuck or blocked in their writing, and is equally useful for writing fiction, poetry, and essays, as well as reports, lectures, and memos. The core of Elbow's thinking is a challenge against traditional writing methods. Instead of editing and outlining material in the initial steps of the writing process, Elbow celebrates non-stop or free uncensored writing, without editorial checkpoints first, followed much later by the editorial process. This approach turns the focus towards encouraging ways of developing confidence and inspiration through free writing, multiple drafts, diaries, and notes." (From the Publisher)

    Elbow, Peter. Writing Without Teachers. London: Oxford University Press, 1998.

    (link to Amazon)
  • How to Write a Lot: A Practical Guide to Productive Academic Writing

    All students and professors need to write, and many struggle to finish their stalled dissertations, journal articles, book chapters, or grant proposals. Writing is hard work and can be difficult to wedge into a frenetic academic schedule. In this practical, light-hearted, and encouraging book, Paul J. Silvia explains that writing productively does not require innate skills or special traits but specific tactics and actions. Drawing examples from his own field of psychology, he shows readers how to overcome motivational roadblocks and become prolific without sacrificing evenings, weekends, and vacations. After describing strategies for writing productively, the author gives detailed advice from the trenches on how to write, submit, revise, and resubmit articles; how to improve writing quality; and how to write and publish academic work.

    Silvia, Paul J. 2007. How to Write a Lot: A Practical Guide to Productive Academic Writing. American Psychological Association.

    (link to Amazon)

    Making Time, Making Change [more general, less on publishing]

    "Lack of time may be the single most commonly experienced problem among American faculty. It is fair to say that the overwhelming majority of the roughly 400,000 full time faculty in American colleges and universities feel overloaded in their teaching lives; they perceive that they do not have time to do their basic faculty duties properly; and they believe that overload goes with the job….the objective of this book [is] to elevate our awareness of how we use our time and how we might improve that use of time. We need to shift our perspective on using time from subject (a perspective from which we act naively) to object (a perspective on which we act intentionally)….author Douglas Reimondo Robertson leads you on the road to a more rewarding, and less harried, teaching life!" (Amazon.com)

    Robertson, Douglas R. (2003). Making time, making change. Stillwater, OK: New Forums Press, Inc.

    (link to Amazon)

    Professors as Writers: A Self-Help Guide to Productive Writing

    "Here's a proven book to help scholars master writing as a productive, enjoyable, and successful experience usually in 30-to-60-minute sessions amidst busy daily schedules. Professors as Writers is a self-help manual for professors who want to write more productively, painlessly, and successfully. It reflects the author's two decades of experience and research with professors as writers by compressing a lot of experience into a brief, programmatic framework. The book has proven to be so popular as to require several printings."

    Boice, Robert. 1990. Professors as Writers: A Self-Help Guide To Productive Writing.Stillwater: New Forums Press.

    (link to Amazon)

    Publish & Flourish: Become a Prolific Scholar

    "The myth persists that prolific scholars are born not made, but research suggests otherwise. Much is known about the steps you can take to become prolific--and any scholar can. This book will show you how to:

    • write daily for 15-30 minutes
    • organize around key sentences
    • solicit the right feedback from the right colleagues
    • make effective use of feedback
    Gray, Tara. 2005. Publish and Flourish: Become a Prolific Scholar, Teaching Academy, New Mexico State University.

    (link to Amazon)

    Writing Your Journal Article in 12 Weeks: A Guide to Academic Publishing Success

    "Goals of the Workbook: The primary goals of this workbook are to aid you in revising a classroom essay, conference paper, unpublished article, chapter, or thesis, and sending it to the editor of a suitable academic journal. That is, the goals are active and pragmatic. The workbook provides the instruction, exercises, structure, and deadlines needed to do an effective revision. It will help you to develop the habits of productivity that lead to confidence, the kind of confidence that it takes to send out into the world a journal article that you have written. By aiding you in taking your paper from classroom or conference quality to journal article quality, it also helps you to overcome anxiety about academic publishing." (book introduction)

    The book is divided into 12 sections each focusing for a week on preparing your manuscript. The sections can be taken in order or used according to your particular needs.

    Belcher, Wendy Laura. (2009). Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks: A Guide to Academic Publishing Success. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, Inc.

    (link to Amazon)
  • Getting It Published: A Guide for Scholars and Anyone Else Serious about Serious Books

    "Finally, a superb book on scholarly publishing that provides all the essential information for serious critics, young and old! I can think of no other editor in publishing better suited to provide sound and honest advice about all aspects of preparing and producing an academic book than Bill Germano. I am convinced that Getting It Published will become the standard handbook for all young scholars interested in publishing their first book, and it will also give new insights to those critics who have already had contact with the publishing world." -- Jack Zipes, University of Minnesota

    Germano, William. (2001). Getting It Published: A Guide for Scholars and Anyone Else Serious about Serious Books. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

    (link to Amazon)

    How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper

    "To be useful, scientific research needs to be explained clearly to others--to colleagues, to administrators, to foundations and governmental bodies, and to the public. This thoroughly revised edition of the classic…gives beginning scientists and experienced researchers alike practical advice on writing about their work and publishing what they write. The core of the book consists of a 'how-to' guide to writing and publishing research articles for scientific journals, explaining every step of the process, from choosing a suitable journal for your work to presenting the results and citing references. …this book provides additional advice for the scientist of the 21st century: What ethical issues are important in scientific publishing? What should a scientist know about rights and permissions? How does a scientist write a grant proposal, or prepare progress reports for administrators?" (Publisher)

    Day, Robert A. & Gastel, Barbara. (2006). How to write and publish a scientific paper (6th ed.). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

    (link to Amazon)

    Handbook for Academic Authors. Fourth Edition

    "...should be required reading for scholar/authors, or would be authors...her book is a lucid and valuable primer that renders a needed service to academic authors and publishers alike." Scholarly Publishing

    "Anyone from a graduate student to the still hyperkinetic producer (of textbooks or monographs or in between) can learn from this straightforward, sober, thorough, orderly, and practical guide, reinforced by classified, annotated, and evaluative bibliography." American Literature

    "Put this book into the hands of most of the young writers you know. It is neither pedantic nor patronizing. It will help them think better about writing and publishing. It could be read with profit by all academics." Alan H. Brush, CBE Views (Council of Biology Editors)

    Luey, Beth (2002). Handbook for Academic Authors, Fourth Edition. Cambridge University Press.

    (link to Amazon)

    Publish, Don't Perish: The Scholar's Guide to Academic Writing and Publishing

    "Expressing a strongly positive view of the value of academic publishing that reaches far beyond what is implied by the book title, Moxley offers informed suggestions to faculty members for conceiving, developing, and publishing scholarly documents such as books and journal articles. His book discusses the composing processes of successful writers and provides specific guidelines for various types of writing, including abstracts, book proposals, and grant proposals. Writers are instructed in applying the standards and techniques used by professional editors for evaluating and editing manuscripts. Moxley also addresses political and economic factors that impinge on what is written and published and suggests ways to involve institutions and professional organizations in motivating scholarly writing and publishing."

    Moxley, Joseph M. 1992. Publish, Don't Perish: The Scholar's Guide to Academic Writing and Publishing. Westport: Praeger Publishers

    (link to Amazon)

    Publishing for Tenure and Beyond

    "Silverman provides...tenure-track junior faculty with candid information about developing an adequate publication record. The book also provides...information they need to maximize the likelihood of having their articles accepted for publication by peer-reviewed professional, scientific, and scholarly journals. The focus throughout is on how editorial boards and tenure committees function rather than on how they are supposed to function. Anyone dealing with academic publishing will find this book an indispensable resource. (From the Publisher)

    Silverman, Franklin H. (1999). Publishing for Tenure and Beyond. Praeger Publishing.

    (link to Amazon)

    Successful Publishing in Scholarly Journals

    "The art and science of publishing in professional journals is an area virtually ignored in academic training programs. This volume presents an insider's view of how to develop a personal program of productive publishing and how to increase the chances that your articles will be accepted for publication. Written in a witty, conversational style, the book covers the informal and formal mechanisms involved in submitting articles to scholarly journals, revising articles, and dealing with rejected manuscripts. New and established academics from all disciplines will benefit from this pragmatic and engaging work." (From the Publisher).

    Thyer, Bruce A. (1994). Successful Publishing in Scholarly Journals. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.

    (link to Amazon)

    Writing and Publishing for Academic Authors

    "Expressing ideas, observations, plans, knowledge or thoughts effectively in terms which can be understood easily by the targeted audience is a major challenge for most professionals. It is especially important in universities which are, after all, dedicated to the generation and transmission of knowledge. The ability to present new materials and concepts is especially important in research universities, where institutional standing and personal advancement for most faculty hinge on publications. Writing and Publishing for Academic Authors provides useful, practical advice for developing and publishing scholarly works. Written by distinguished editors and authors in the sciences and humanities, this book can help faculty develop and publish research reports, speculative essays, book reviews, university press books, textbooks, and grants. Anyone who wants to improve his or her writing style, experiment with new academic genres, find new markets for scholarly endeavors, or establish productive relationships with editors should find this guide invaluable. I highly recommend it to all college and university faculty." (G.G. Meisels, Provost and Professor of Chemistry, University of South Florida)

    Moxley, Joseph M. and Taylor Todd, Eds. (1997). Writing and Publishing for Academic Authors. New York: Roman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.

    (link to Amazon)

    Writing for Publication: Road to Academic Advancement

    This book doesn't just talk about writing and publishing, it tells exactly what to do to dramatically improve any writer's chances for getting published. Author Kenneth Henson should know—his writing has appeared in more than 300 national publications and has 30 books to his credit. Henson's proven principles, strategies, and tactics can be applied to virtually any form of publishing—from specialized or general magazines and journals, to grant proposals, to nonfiction books of all types. Each chapter is a do-it-yourself module on one essential topic, to guide both novice and advanced writers in developing the critical skills and habits needed for writing success. Packed with anecdotes and examples of writing, this book covers it all—from finding topics, getting started, and organizing articles to contacting editors, writing and self-editing manuscripts, and keeping track of submissions and acceptances. The only book of its kind, it helps make writing projects easier, more enjoyable, AND more successful.

    Features succinct answers to the questions writers ask most:

    • Advice for turning dissertation data into journal articles
    • Four chapters on grant writing
    • Information on how to use writing t gain tenure-track positions and earn tenure
    • An appendix profiling the life of an article from getting the idea to final publication
    • “Six Myths that Haunt Writers,” written by Henson and selected as one of the best hundred articles of the year among authors like Stephen King, Mary Higgins Clark, Dick Francis, Sidney Sheldon, and Phyllis Whitney
    Henson, Kenneth T. (2004). Writing for Publication: Road to Academic Advancement. Allyn & Bacon.

    (link to Amazon)

    Writing for Scholarly Publication

    "Focusing primarily on writing for academic journals, the author shows new PhD's how viewing scholarly writing as a conversation and following the rules of good conversation can result in a greater likelihood of successful publication. She provides advice on all facets of writing for academic publication, from topic selection to final submission of the manuscript. Helpful appendices include an alternative view on writing, a conversation about writing in English by non-native speakers, and a summary of all writing exercises." (Reviews from Booknews)

    Huff, Anne Sigismund. (1999). Writing for Scholarly Publication. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

    (link to Amazon)
  • The Outrageous Idea of Christian Scholarship

    While other defining elements of a scholar's identity, such as race or gender, are routinely taken into consideration and welcomed as providing new perspectives, the perspective of the believing Christian is dismissed as irrelevant or, worse, anti-thetical to the scholarly enterprise. The Outrageous Idea of Christian Scholarship demonstrates what the ancient relationship of faith and intellectual scholarship means for the academy today. George Marsden argues forcefully that mainstream American higher education needs to be more open to explicit expressions of faith and to accept what faith means in an intellectual context. Marsden contends that a religiously diverse culture will be an intellectually richer one, and that it is time scholars and institutions who take the intellectual dimensions of their faith seriously become active participants in the highest level of academic discourse. Whether the reader agrees or disagrees with this conclusion, Marsden's thoughtful, well-argued book is necessary reading for all sides of the debate on religion's role in education and culture." (Washington Post)

    Marsden, George M. (1997).The Outrageous Idea of Christian Scholarship. New York: Oxford University Press.

    (link to Amazon)
  • The Academic's Handbook. 3rd Edition

    “This rather meaty volume, now in its third printing (the first edition debuted about 20 years ago) considers everything a budding academic should know about professorial life. It’s aimed primarily at newly-minted Ph.D.s who’ve just landed on the shores of academe, but it also speaks to graduate students ready to shove off. In this sense, it’s both a primer and a warning shot across the bow.”

    --Mark Drozdowski, Adjunct Advocate (Amazon Editorial Review)

    A. Leigh DeNeef and Craufurd D. Goodwin, Editors, Duke University, 2007.

    (Amazon link)

    The Compleat Academic: A Career Guide. 2nd Edition.

    Text explores the unwritten rules governing a career in academia. Provides practical advice to help new academics set the best course for a lasting and vibrant career. With humor and insight, contributing academics share lessons learned through their own experience. (Amazon Editorial Review)

    Darley, John M., Mark P. Zanna, Henry L. Roediger III. Washington, D.C.: American Psychology Association, 2003.

    (Amazon link)

    Coping with Faculty Stress: Survival Skills for Scholars

    Walter Gmelch, who has studied faculty stress for 15 years, says stress is a common feature of academic life, and not always a bad thing. Based on his extensive research, Gmelch outlines the chief forms of faculty stress and its major causes. He then provides concrete advice on what you can do about the negative stressors in your job and in other areas of your life. (back cover)

    Survival Skills for Scholars provides you, the profesor or advanced graduate student working in a college or university setting, with practical suggestions for making the most of your academic career. These brief, readable guides will help you with skills that you are required to master as a college professor but may have never been taughter in graduate school. Using hands-on, jargon-free advice and examples, forms, lists, and suggestions for additional resources, experts on different aspects of academic life give invaluable tips on managing the day-to-day tasks of academia--effectively and efficiently. (Mitchell Allen, Managing Editor)

    Gmelch, Walter H., Coping with Faculty Stress: Survival Skills for Scholars, Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, Inc., 1993.

    (Amazon link)

    Good Start: A Guidebook for New Faculty in Liberal Arts Colleges

    Good Start provides a great deal of useful information to young professors and those who would become professors. [Gerald Gibson] writes about selecting a college, securing a position, and getting oriented to the new job. He demystifies and offers valuable suggestions about teaching, scholarship, service, and tenure. He focuses on working within the academic organization, managing time and stress, and maintaining effectiveness. In short, he discusses everything a new faculty member needs to know about being a college professor that graduate school did not teach." (Foreword, Jerry G. Gaff)

    Gibson, Gerald W. Good Start: A Guidebook for New Faculty in Liberal Arts Colleges. Bolton, MA: Anker Publishing Company, Inc., 1992.

    (Amazon link)

    Life on The Tenure Track: Lessons from the First Year

    "With humor and pathos, Jim Lang tells a powerful story of his first year as a college teacher, offering a wealth of insights that will help graduate students and new faculty -- and maybe even not-so-new faculty -- learn to survive and flourish as good teachers. I came away with a renewed appreciation of the very real challenges and opportunities we face as educators." (Ken Bain, author of What the Best College Teachers Do)

    "May become the 'bible' for graduate students and new faculty. Lang's descriptions and analysis sparkle with warmth, humor, goodwill, and honesty. I found myself rooting for him, and viewed him as a mentor, turning the page looking for his very thoughtful advice. I would enthusiastically recommend this book to graduate students, adjunct professors, tenure-track and tenured faculty, and administrators." (Lynn Sacco, University of Tennessee)

    Lang, James M. Life on the Tenure Track: Lessons from the First Year. Baltimore, MD: John Hopkins, 2005.

    (Amazon link)

    Lifting a Ton of Feathers: A Women's Guide to Surviving in the Academic World

    Women account for more than half of all undergraduate students in the United States and Canada, yet they make up only 10 per cent of faculty members at the level of full professor. What keeps women out of the highest levels of academia? Caplan is a veteran of the academic career struggle, and she explores this question with her own oberservations and those of many women she has interviewed, and with a strong backing of established research. She provides a clear assessment of what women who have embarked on an academic career, and those who are considering it, may expect. (Counci of Ontario Universities Committee on the Status of Women.

    Caplan, Paula J. (1995).Lifting a Ton of Feathers: A Women's Guide to Surviving in the Academic World. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

    (Amazon link)

    Making Time, Making Change: Avoiding Overload in College Teaching

    Lack of time may be the single most commonly experienced problem among American faculty. It is fair to say that the overwhelming majority of the roughly 400,000 full time faculty in American colleges and universities feel overloaded in their teaching lives; they perceive that they do not have time to do their basic faculty duties properly; and they believe that overload goes with the job. We complain yet we do not reflect on and evaluate our paradigms for how we use our time. Perhaps a pernicious norm has evolved: anyone not complaining about being overwhelmed is suspect. We act as if we have no choice. Einstein once remarked, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." A Lakota Sioux saying puts the idea in concrete terms, "When your horse is dead, the proper strategy is to dismount." When it comes to avoiding overload, many of us sit on our dead horses kicking them in the sides over and over again, insanely, wondering why we don't get anywhere. However, we do have choices about how we use our time. Einstein suggested a way to discover our choices when he further observed, "Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them." Essentially, that is the objective of this book: to elevate our awareness of how we use our time and how we might improve that use of time. We need to shift our perspective on using time from subject (a perspective from which we act naively) to object (a perspective on which we act intentionally). The tool that we will use to stimulate this shift in awareness comes from a vintage analysis of systems theory and research and focuses on managing the boundaries of our teaching selves better. In Making Time, Making Change, author Douglas Reimondo Robertson leads you on the road to a more rewarding, and less harried, teaching life! (Amazon Editorial Review)

    Robertson, D. R. (2003). Making Time, Making Change: Avoiding Overload in College Teaching. Stillwater, Oklahoma: New Forums Press.

    (Amazon link)

    Mentor in a Manual: Climbing the Academic Ladder to Tenure

    "This up-to-date manual for new assistant professors...offers 'advice, protection, caring' for young college and university faculty members as they seek to climb the academic ladder to tenure. Based on years of personal experience in the halls of academe as well as on extensive conversations on the subject with faculty and administrators around the country, the book discusses both generic institutional criteria for making tenure and the practical 'politics'of following a professional path." (back cover)

    Schoenfeld, A. Clay and Robert Magnan. Mentor in a Manual: Climbing the Academic Ladder to Tenure. Madison, WI: Magna Publications, 1992.

    (Amazon link)

    New Faculty: A Practical Guide for Academic Beginners

    ". . .a clearly structured, accessible, and informative primer targeted to full-time faculty members, particularly those in the early years of their appointment. It holds a distinctive place within the growing body of literature on faculty development . . . [T]he authors' ability to weave their attentiveness to the actual questions and concerns most frequently posed by new faculty members into the fabric of academic life contributes enormously to the credibility of the book. . . Many of us will be grateful for the effort."--Bernadette McNary-Zak, Rhodes College (Amazon Editorial Review)

    Lucas, Christopher J. and John w. Murray, Jr. (2002). New Faculty: A Practical Guide for Academic Beginners. New York: Palgrave.

    (Amazon link)

    The New Professor's Handbook: A Guide to Teaching and Research in Engineering and Science

    "This book is an ideal resource for everyone making the transition to new faculty member in engineering and science. Based on published literature and on experiences of productive faculty, this book distills the voluminous literature on teaching and presents vital information on starting and conducting a research program. Refined through years of seminars with graduate students and faculty, contents include: student learning, course planning, conducting discussions, lecturing, developing exams, and working with TA's." (back cover)

    Davidson, Cliff I. and Susan A. Ambrose. The New Professor's Handbook: A Guide to Teaching and Research in Engineering and Science. Bolton, MA: Anker Publishing Company, Inc., 1994.

    (Amazon link)

    Now What?: Readings on Surviving (and Even Enjoying) Your First Experience at College Teaching

    Janes, Joseph and Hauer Soderholm, Diane. (1988). Now What? Readings on Surviving (and Even Enjoying) Your First Experience at College Teaching. Graduate School Center for Instructional Development Syracuse University. Copley Publishing Group, Littleton Massachusetts.

    (Amazon link)